Inca Children Were Stoned and Drunk Prior to Their Sacrifice - Schoopwhoop images news songs careers instagram videos cafe internship jokes

Inca Children Were Stoned and Drunk Prior to Their Sacrifice

Three Inca children found mummified atop a 20,000-foot volcano in South America consumed increasing amounts of cocaine and corn beer for up to a year before they were sacrificed, according to a new study.

Tests on three mummies found in Argentina have shed new light on the Inca practice of child sacrifice.

Scientists have revealed that drugs and alcohol played a key part in the months and weeks leading up to the children's deaths.

According to the Inca, children were selected for sacrifice and chosen to go and live with the Gods because they were considered the purest beings. Specific individuals were possibly chosen for their nobility and beauty. Many Inca children were offered as sacrifice, especially during or after important events, such as the death of the Sapa Inca (the emperor) or during a famine. These sacrifices were known as capacocha.

Scientists say that many of the victims’ organs were intact, as if they had died a few weeks ago. By testing samples of their hair, they could determine the type of diet they were on before their deaths, as well as reveal any substances in their bodies.

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