MBA to engineer Student:" Can u kiss that pretty Girl.. - Schoopwhoop images news songs careers instagram videos cafe internship jokes


MBA to engineer Student:" Can u kiss that pretty Girl..

MBA to engineer Student:" Can u kiss that
pretty Girl..
engineer Student:" Yes Of Course!!
MBA:" If u Can! I Will give u 1000Rs!
engg Student:" O.K Done!!
engineer Student gone to near that Girl &
Said:" I Can Kiss u without Touching you!
Girl:" Impossible n (laugh)
engineer Student:" Lagi 500 Rs ki...
Girl:" O.K Done!
engg Student Tightly Kissed her!
Girl Soughted:" you Cheat me!
You Can not kiss me without touching me!
engineer Student:" O.K to Roti kyu hai, Ye le
500 Rupiye
engineer Student Received Rs 1000 from MBA
& give Rs 500 to that Girl....
Dont challenge engineers,they can do